Cellwood machinery in Sweden is producing the popular Krima Disperser Type KD in 4 different sizes. KD-450, KD-710, KD-1050, KD 1250, and supplies complete dispersing systems with a modular system.

Dispersing means distribution and the technology is to make the dirt particles as small as possible in an economic way and at the same time develop the fibres. With a Krima system it is possible to disperse contaminates such as wax, hotmelts, stickies, bitumen, ink-particles, colour spots etc. Almost all kind of different contaminates are possible to treat in a Krima dispersing plant. A big problem with the use of recycle fibres is that the raw material is always target for variation. With the correct choice of equipment it is possible to eliminate these variations and at the same time use a wider selection of raw material. It is also possible to reduce the reject of raw material and to increase the yield in the plant.

Brochures about Krima hot dispersing system:
The instruction manual in German language of a complete Krima disperser plant is available with following this link. (Password is required)
Used Cellwood Krima disperser systems are available from paptec www.paptec.com
With following this link you find a list of used Cellwood Krima disperging / disperser plants /systems. (If available)